Friday, June 26, 2020


The long-awaited monsoon season is here relieving us from the scorching heat of summer. However, monsoon also comes with a lot of skin problems, humidity, dirty water, and the weather all make our skin prone to many problems like acne, oily skin, and other conditions. It is important to change your skincare regime with the changing season and always follow the three main steps ‘cleanse, tone, and moisturize’

Exfoliation helps in removing dead skin and also unclogs the pores. It also enables the growth of new cells and results in healthy glowing skin. Some natural exfoliators that can be easily found at home. Natural exfoliators like coffee, sugar, baking soda, papaya, oatmeal, and yogurt are best for the skin without damaging it.

After exfoliating always cleanse your skin, so that extra oil and dust get removed and open pores while allowing your skin to breathe. You can use coconut oil, aloe vera, honey, lemon, tea-tree oil, or rose water for cleansing your skin. Use ayurvedic face wash and natural face wash that helps your skin to retain the natural oil and have no side effects.

Toning helps to remove dirt and makeup from the skin. You can use natural ingredients from your kitchen like lemon, cucumber, green tea, rose water, and chamomile tea as toners.

The last and most important step is moisturizing. Moisturizing keeps your skin soft and hydrated. You can use natural ingredients like cucumber, olive oil, organic coconut oil as these do not make your skin oily.

Here are some tips for perfect skin during rainy season:
·        You must cleanse your skin trice a day to remove excess dirt and oil.
·        Always use non-alcoholic toner as it helps maintain the pH balance of your skin.
·        Use a good nourishing moisturizers that makes your skin moist and healthy.
·        Always use a sunscreen with a good SPF whenever you go out.
·        If you have oily skin, then use water-based moisturizer.

For more information about skincare products, you can contact Naturals bySkas. You can also read our blogs for more skincare, health, and wellness tips.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How does Procrastination affect your Mental and Physical Health?

We all have tended to linger on things for the next time. People often avoid doing important and stressful work knowing that it might have consequences if not completed within the deadline, this behavior of avoidance is called procrastination. The word “procrastination” originates from the Latin pro castings which means “for tomorrow”.

 How does Procrastination affect your Mental and Physical Health

How to stop procrastinating?

Every individual procrastinates from time to time. For many people it is an important coping mechanism in a high-stress society. Although, it has some benefits increased procrastination can also restrict a person’s productivity. Spending too much time in procrastinating can make you lazy and unable to complete daily important tasks.

Procrastination can occur due to some mental health issues, namely:-

· ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

· Depression

· Anxiety

effects of procrastination

Some researchers recommend that procrastination is closely linked to mood. When people stressed may procrastinate in the hopes that their future might be equipped better to handle certain tasks.

People who procrastinate may end up working late to complete the work and thus avoid spending time with their friends and family.

Here are some of the common effects of procrastination on individuals:

Poor marks in school.

Underperformance at the workplace.

Financial difficulties cause due to putting off important responsibilities.

Feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame.

Procrastination affects physical well-being

If exercise or nutrition is avoided due to procrastination then it causes poor physical health.

15 Proven and Impressive Health Benefits of Fennel

Fennel belongs to the family of carrot, it is an aromatic plant. Fennel is best known for adding flavors to the dishes moreover, it is also used for personal care and alternative medicine.

Fennel grows particularly in areas having dry soil along with bodies of water like riverbanks.

Here are the nutrition facts for 1 cup of sliced, raw fennel:

Calories: 31

Protein: 1g

Fat: 0.2g

Carbohydrates: 6 g

Fiber: 2.7g

Natural Sugar: 3g

Calcium: 43mg

Iron: 0.64mg

Magnesium: 15mg

Potassium: 360mg

Vitamin A: 838 international units

Vitamin C: 10.4mg

This proves that raw fennel is a good source of fiber along with other vitamins.

Fennel is known as a herb; that is why eating raw fennel can be very nutritious. Fennel contains potassium which is very important in managing high blood pressure. Moreover, potassium-rich foods help promote kidney functions, muscle strength, and bone health. Fennel seeds are also useful for relieving different types of ailments like congestion, stomach gas, or diabetes, or asthma.

Reduces Flatulence

Here are some of the proven benefits of fennel on health:

1. It regulates blood pressure,

2. Fennel seeds help to improve digestive health.

3. Reduces Flatulence.

4. Fennel seeds treat Asthma and other Respiratory Problems.

5. It helps in cleansing the blood.

6. Drinking fennel tea helps to flush out excess fluids from the body.

7. Fennel seeds also help to treat symptoms like menstrual cramps and hot flashes.

Regulates blood pressure

8. Fennel seeds also enhance your vision.

9. Reduces the risk of cancer.

10. Reduces heart diseases.

Below are the nutrition facts for 1 cup of sliced, raw fennel

11. Fennel seeds have a cooling effect on the body, therefore it is often advised to consume fennel seed drink during summer to relieve heat from the body.

12. Fennel seeds are also helpful in curing diarrhea caused due to bacterial infection.

13. Fennel seeds help to boost the immune system of the body.

14. Fennel works as a wonderful natural remedy for skin problems.

15. Fennel seeds also improve hair health.

To know more about fennel and its benefits you can contact Naturals by Skas

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Due to coronavirus, everyone is struggling to prevent themselves from getting sick.

Officially, Coronavirus is named as SARS-COV-2. Earlier SARS-COV was spread from 2002-2003. And, the major difference between the two is that COVID-19 is more dangerous and life-threatening from the other viruses that come under the category of coronavirus. SARS-COV-2 multiplies faster in the body and can transmit it to other individuals even if you don’t get any symptoms.

Those who are at high risk of getting affected coronavirus include heart patients, diabetic patients, people with HIV, older adults, pregnant women, people who are suffering from lung disease, and other underlying diseases.
Social distancing and maintaining good hygiene are some of the important coronavirus prevention tips that everyone is taking to keep themselves safe and healthy!

You must know certain things to protect yourself and others too from coronavirus. In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing some tips.

Social Distancing: 

Social distancing means “physical distancing” which means keeping distance between you and other people, be it a home or any other public place. It is important to maintain that space at least 2 meters (6 feet) from other individuals. It is important not to gather in groups, gatherings, and equally, avoid crowded places too.

Wash your hands: 

One of the other common practices that we do every day to keep ourselves hygienic. Washing your hands with liquid soap for about 20 seconds to 1 minute is the best way to prevent yourself from the contact of the coronavirus. In case, soap is not available for you to wash your hands, you can also use sanitizer to make sure that you get rid of infectious diseases.

Revitalize your Immune System: 

To fight against any diseases, what matters is a strong immune system. Stay hydrated, take maximum micronutrients, and go for some home remedies like tulsi, eat more garlic, take ginger, and lemon.

Follow the Government’s Guidelines
Wear a mask
Wash groceries
Do not touch your face
Avoid eating and drinking in public
Stay calm
Stay at home

Moreover, you can also buy certain Wellness Products Online that can benefit you from maintaining your good health and hygiene.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Do you want to Increase Your Body Stamina Naturally? Is your intake of expensive supplements fail to provide the desired results? The artificial methods might seem lucrative and do not provide permanent and safe results. To get the result you need to focus on age-old traditional methods.

Ayurvedic products are quite beneficial in increasing stamina and losing weight. One of the most important thing you must keep in your mind that ayurvedic products have no side-effects on the internal system.

Health benefits of eating sprouts
According to Ayurveda, sprouts are the nutritional powerhouses that can help to increase the stamina efficiently.
In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing the health benefits of eating sprouts every day.

Aids in the digestive process: Sprouts are most popular because they help to increase digestion and metabolism. If our body metabolic rates increased then our body tends to lose the extra fat quickly.

Builds Immunity: 

Sprouts help to increase the stamina naturally as they are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to boost the immunity in the body. Sprouts have antioxidant properties, the body can fight the pathogens without any artificial supplements.

Aids in Proper circulation:

Regular consumption of sprouts helps to maintain healthy blood circulation, and thus it improves the normal functioning of the heart. Eating sprouts also tend to repair the cells and tissues in the body.

Weight Loss:

If you replace the junk snacks with sprouts, it can help to lose the weight without any additional supplements. The sprouts are rich in fiber which lowers the feeling of hunger.

How to increase stamina naturally?
Healthy food choices
Regular exercises
Get rest

If you want to increase body stamina naturally and get the best Ayurvedic supplements, make sure you must check out SKAS Natural.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Best Website For Online Ayurvedic Products

In the market, there is always a high demand for Ayurvedic products. Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicinal practice. Moreover, Ayurveda does not have any kind of side-effects. But getting the wellness products online from a reputed e-commerce website is a tough task.

Because of tight work schedules and busy lives, we do not have enough time to browse the shops in the offline market and select the products for us.

As SKAS Naturals, we value our customers and confidentiality. Moreover, we take special care to address all your questions and problems to offer the best services to you.

About SKAS Naturals
SKAS Naturals is one of the leading online shops for Ayurvedic medicines. Our products are manufactured from natural ingredients. Some of the main ingredients used in our products are:
Tea tree oil
Methi, etc

As SKAS Naturals, we deal with skincare products, healthcare products, dietary supplements, personal care, men’s healthcare, wellness products, etc. We have over 20 years’ experience in dealing with Ayurvedic products, we guarantee you only the best.
Our focus is not only on providing the best quality products in the market, but we also take unique ways to provide complete protection to our customers.

What makes SKAS Naturals an ideal site for Ayurvedic products online?

Here are some of the points to consider that makes SKAS Naturals an ideal platform for your wellness products:
User-friendly Interface
Availability of Mobile-friendly version
HD Photos
User reviews
Discounts and attractive offers for our customers
Secured Payment Gateway
Informative Blogs
Return policy

Next time when you want to buy ayurvedic medicine online within affordable prices, make sure to check out SKAS Naturals site. Moreover, we have all the information listed on our website for your reference.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Are you one of those who are facing the acne problem? Well, you need to understand what exactly it is before you start with the treatment and remedies.

If there are red bumps or skin redness on cheeks, forehead, or nose, then it is adult acne. It is a chronic problem, which affects the facial skin.

Moreover, the symptoms of this skin disease also include burning or gritty sensation in the eyes, which causes irritation and the eyes become watery.

There is no particular cure for adult acne. However, one can opt for natural treatment. There are some of the best home remedies that you can choose to cure the problem of adult acne. Although, it is important to understand how to clean your face to keep your facial skin refreshed and glowing.

Here is the list of 5 home remedies that will soothe your Facial Skin And Minimizes And Symptoms Of Adult Acne.


Honey is one of the best home remedies for adult acne. Its ingredients are perfect which retains the moisture of your skin without making it oily.


Aloe Vera is one of the best remedies for all types of skin problems and mainly, sunburns and inflammation. Aloe Vera is the best home remedy to treat this skin problem.


Cucumber is another important home remedy for those who suffer from this skin disease frequently. Cucumber has all those cooling and soothing effects that your skin is demanding from you due to the rosacea problem. Cucumber is the best way to deal with these skin diseases.


Green tea is another best when you are dealing with the skin inflammation problem. Green tea contains polyphenol, which has all the important antioxidants also anti-inflammatory properties to treat the symptoms of adult acne.

 These are the top 4 remedies to deal with the problem of adult acne. These remedies are great to deal with the Problem Of Adult Acne.