Thursday, May 7, 2020


Due to coronavirus, everyone is struggling to prevent themselves from getting sick.

Officially, Coronavirus is named as SARS-COV-2. Earlier SARS-COV was spread from 2002-2003. And, the major difference between the two is that COVID-19 is more dangerous and life-threatening from the other viruses that come under the category of coronavirus. SARS-COV-2 multiplies faster in the body and can transmit it to other individuals even if you don’t get any symptoms.

Those who are at high risk of getting affected coronavirus include heart patients, diabetic patients, people with HIV, older adults, pregnant women, people who are suffering from lung disease, and other underlying diseases.
Social distancing and maintaining good hygiene are some of the important coronavirus prevention tips that everyone is taking to keep themselves safe and healthy!

You must know certain things to protect yourself and others too from coronavirus. In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing some tips.

Social Distancing: 

Social distancing means “physical distancing” which means keeping distance between you and other people, be it a home or any other public place. It is important to maintain that space at least 2 meters (6 feet) from other individuals. It is important not to gather in groups, gatherings, and equally, avoid crowded places too.

Wash your hands: 

One of the other common practices that we do every day to keep ourselves hygienic. Washing your hands with liquid soap for about 20 seconds to 1 minute is the best way to prevent yourself from the contact of the coronavirus. In case, soap is not available for you to wash your hands, you can also use sanitizer to make sure that you get rid of infectious diseases.

Revitalize your Immune System: 

To fight against any diseases, what matters is a strong immune system. Stay hydrated, take maximum micronutrients, and go for some home remedies like tulsi, eat more garlic, take ginger, and lemon.

Follow the Government’s Guidelines
Wear a mask
Wash groceries
Do not touch your face
Avoid eating and drinking in public
Stay calm
Stay at home

Moreover, you can also buy certain Wellness Products Online that can benefit you from maintaining your good health and hygiene.

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