Thursday, May 21, 2020

How does Procrastination affect your Mental and Physical Health?

We all have tended to linger on things for the next time. People often avoid doing important and stressful work knowing that it might have consequences if not completed within the deadline, this behavior of avoidance is called procrastination. The word “procrastination” originates from the Latin pro castings which means “for tomorrow”.

 How does Procrastination affect your Mental and Physical Health

How to stop procrastinating?

Every individual procrastinates from time to time. For many people it is an important coping mechanism in a high-stress society. Although, it has some benefits increased procrastination can also restrict a person’s productivity. Spending too much time in procrastinating can make you lazy and unable to complete daily important tasks.

Procrastination can occur due to some mental health issues, namely:-

· ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

· Depression

· Anxiety

effects of procrastination

Some researchers recommend that procrastination is closely linked to mood. When people stressed may procrastinate in the hopes that their future might be equipped better to handle certain tasks.

People who procrastinate may end up working late to complete the work and thus avoid spending time with their friends and family.

Here are some of the common effects of procrastination on individuals:

Poor marks in school.

Underperformance at the workplace.

Financial difficulties cause due to putting off important responsibilities.

Feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame.

Procrastination affects physical well-being

If exercise or nutrition is avoided due to procrastination then it causes poor physical health.

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