Thursday, February 13, 2020


There has been an increase in the number of PCOS cases lately due to many reasons. The development of this condition makes it difficult for the hormone level to maintain their equilibrium. 

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome refers to a health condition that affects the female’s hormones level in the body. In this case, females tend to produce an increased amount of male hormones as compared to the rate of other hormones. As a result, the whole menstrual cycle is disturbed, also pregnancy becomes a difficult task for the patient.

What is PCOS?
Polycystic means many cysts, the presence of multiple tiny cysts in the ovary. In the case of PCOS patients, the follicular sacs contain the number of eggs that do not mature. It happens because of the hormonal disorder in the body, which brings about by irregular spans of menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, obesity, acne, etc.
The ovary is one of the important sex organs in the female body that governs the production of sex hormones like progesterone and estrogen. In the case of PCOS, the ovary starts producing a higher amount of androgens as compared to normal levels in the body.

How to beat PCOS naturally?
There are many ways to combat the level of PCOS in the body. Here are 5 effective ways to control the condition in the body through natural ways.

Do Exercises regularly
Maintaining proper mobility and a healthy weight are important in keeping down the PCOS in the body. With the help of regular exercise, you can maintain a healthy weight with adequate mobility of the body. However, excess of everything is always bad. Excessive exercises would not do any justice to the body’s condition.

Resort to healthy hygiene
Hygiene is an important part when it comes down to controlling PCOS. Different types of vaginal infections might cause damage to the body, which can be controlled by proper medication as well as maintaining the hygiene of the body. Use the best intimate wash available in the market to maintain hygiene properly.

PCOS treatment diet
Low GI diet
Anti-Inflammatory diet
DASH diet

In case you want to know more about PCOS or want good wellness products to control the problem, you can refer to the website of SKS Natural .com.

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